Butler Coring offers Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) scanning and Utility Locate Services to our customers. Butler Coring utilizes the most advanced GPR and Radiography instruments and equipment available in the industry. We use this technology to locate conduits, reinforcing bars, post tension cables and other utilities prior to coring and sawing.
Butler Coring utilizes the SafeCore System of GPR scanning and concrete cutting. SafeCore Systems is a revolutionary new safety and risk management GPR Services provider that utilizes a patent pending standardized uniform infrastructure marking, communication and data storage system that is designed to reduce structural damages and personal injuries in the workplace.
The SafeCore System has proven to improve job site safety, increase communication and reduce risk in the workplace. “Authorize to Scan”(ATS) Locate Tracking numbers are assigned to each job. The SafeCore App Barcode Function allows project members immediate access to the GPR Report as well as the data associated with the project.
SafeCore certified GPR technicians utilize the revolutionary “patent pending” SafeCore marking system to apply clear, consistent and uniform marks over critical embedded infrastructure.